Publication - 160th Anniversary 1848 - 2008

Learn more about our history, our roots and our culture in this publication to mark our 160th anniversary.

Publication - 148th Anniversary 1848 - 1996

This publication was released in 1996 and marked the 148th anniversary.

Publication - 112th Anniversary 1848 - 1960

This publication was published in 1960 and marked the 112th anniversary.


Remembering our roots

In the annals of time, our ancestors bravely embarked on a journey to the Nanyang, a mythical land full of opportunities and uncharted territory. Their footprints have led to the convergence of cultures and the blossoming of dreams.

Volunteer in the editorial team.

Have a flair in writing or in digital content creation and design?  We are looking for volunteers to join the editorial team of our next publication.
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